Happy Birthday Kalender mit jedem Monat ein neues Bild /Bild von Gustav Klimt. Dies ist ein Wandmodell hat eine Metallspirale Aufhänger. Kalender Größe: 17 x 30 cm
The selection of such calendars is very small and their artistic quality is also very low. Therefore, your calendar is unique and after the same type of calendar with art deco designs that we bought from you a long time ago, it now suits us very well.
+Well selected reproductions
-Too little space for names and dates
Veröffentlicht am 21 November 2022 at 16:47
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Oder benötigen Sie Hilfe bei der Bestellung? Kontaktieren Sie gerne unsere Support-Abteilung unter [email protected] oder chatten Sie. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!
The selection of such calendars is very small and their artistic quality is also very low. Therefore, your calendar is unique and after the same type of calendar with art deco designs that we bought from you a long time ago, it now suits us very well.